Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Georgetown Square II

Georgetown Square II, 20 x 16

Here is the final result of the pallet knife start. I do like the freedom pallet knife painting practically imposes on you. Like plein air painting, you end up focusing on the main shapes, values and color. The better you do that, the less relevant fine detail seems to become.


indium said...

so great post. i like it thanks

Marla said...

That is fabulous. There's such a feeling of spontaneity to it, and energy. Appreciate seeing the blocking in, it always looks so easy when it's shown step-by-step! LOL.

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

Wonderful work, Stephen

Laurel Daniel said...

Oh, I do so love before and afters!!! This turned out great - and the palette knife gives it such boldness. Nice!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

beautiful finish, Stephen.

Kathy Cousart said...

Really wonderful. I like how the light leads you in and there is just enough shifts in the darker shadow part to hold your interest. Great perspective- love that tree in the front against the tree in the back. So much to see:)

martinealison said...

bravo! je suis heureuse de découvrir votre toile achevée... Quel beau cheminement. Une belle composition et de merveilleuses nuances de couleurs.
Gros bisous

Anonymous said...

Well the palette knife start suits you Stephen...well done. Once again your use of color awes me.