Monday, April 25, 2011

Hot House

Hot House, 5 x 7

This representation depicts the main office of the apartments I live in. I've exaggerated the colors for artistic effect, as you may have guessed. I'm happy about that, since, though they appeal to me here, being surrounded by such colors day in and day out might get to be a little unsettling.  Over the next couple of days I'll be posting the two companion studies I've painted which, together with this one, will be entered in the upcoming 5 x 7 show at Arthouse Austin.


martinealison said...

Une très belle interprétation de votre environnement... La lumière y est parfaite.

mary maxam said...

The orange and turqoise compliments here are 2 of my favorites, ...then combined with the wonderful abstract squares within squares... excellent.